Price range slider is a module used as a filter in the theme but it can have any other applicability.
Plugin used to add the functionality noUISlider .
Structure of a price range slider is as follows:
HTML code
<div class="price-range-slider">
<span class="price-range-placeholder">
<span>Price </span><span>Range</span>
<div id="price-range-slider" class="price-range-slider-base"></div>
Js Code
var startSlider = document.getElementById('price-range-slider');
noUiSlider.create(startSlider, {
start: [150, 750],
tooltips: true,
format: wNumb({
decimals: 3,
thousand: '.',
postfix: '$'
connect: true,
range: {
'min': [0],
'max': [1000]